Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Double Bogey

We are all slaves to technology, except for few who have mastered it. I put myself in the latter category until yesterday. Yesterday, my illusions got shattered as technology gave a nasty shock to tell me who the boss was.
It was Saturday and I was in office doing some fire-fighting. In the late afternoon when I realized that I will be spending my evening too in the office itself, I decided to SMS my two friends. The three of us usually go together every Friday night and have tea in some quite corners of Delhi. I tried to make my SMS as funny as possible and wrote:
“Are we having our weekly night orgy today?” This was supposed to be funny because the word ‘orgy’ is a grossly misunderstood word. It actually means a sacred rite, or a party (detailed meaning is available here), but people usually associate with it extreme sexual activity. I knew my friends will laugh heartily after reading this and patted my own back for such achievement.
I dexterously pressed the buttons of my phone, opened the Recent Contacts list and clicked on the first contact. Message went like a breeze. I then proceeded to command my cell phone to send same message to another of my friend, it is at this point that technology decided to put her foot down and tell who commands whom. Just like last time, I again opened the Recent Contacts list, selected the name of next recipient and casually pressed the send button and immediately gasped for air. I had chosen the wrong recipient! The recipient of was someone from my office and the worst part was that the recipient was a girl! I could imagine Technology rubbing her hands and laughing with glee.
I hurriedly opened the Outbox to stop the message from sending but the damage was done much earlier. Now, the only logical thing was to send another message apologizing for the error, but I come from a family of major over-reactors, so I not only sent one long message apologizing for the error but also, to be doubly sure, sent her the meaning of the word itself!
The story does not end here; it so happened that I had got a message from another friend and I had not replied to him at that time. I decided to answer his message; I did not choose the Reply option and instead composed another message. This time again, the buttons played their part well and the message was again sent to her.
I wonder what she might be thinking now. Damned double bogey!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wish i cud write as well as u....