Friday, September 12, 2008

Old Memories

Songs stir old memories, most of the time as I have known people, songs have made them weep or sad at least. People also become happy or nostalgic after listening to few songs, but there are rare instances when a song has brought back a memory so funny that you laughed for so long that people around you considered taking you to a doctor.
I listened to one song today, called Honth Rasiley. Here is the link:

Notice how the people smack their lips when they say honth rasiley, this is where the story starts.

Place: Chamba, Uttaranchal, India
Date: Early 2008

We had an off-site sponsored by our office. Getting drunk was allowed and booze was so much abundant that some of my colleagues replaced water with alcohol. Some smelled so strongly of alcohol that I suspect they even brushed and bathed in alcohol.
It is in such sozzled state man commits foolish acts of acting wise. At night time, at peak of party when DJ was playing the mentioned song at its loudest, one of the alcoholic pest comes along with a torch and asks me to watch him dance. I have to admit that alcohol does something to strengthen the nerves, the so-called dance of his involved doing the same lip-smacking action in front each girl and flashing the torch at their... ahem... b's and b's.
As if this was not enough, few more drones who smelled like gutter water, came along to provide him support and demand more action. “Flash at her b$$$”, “Flash at her a##” were the requests floating in air. The drones were ostensibly being very discreet with their demand. Sadly, discreetness leaves the moment alcohol takes over control, the result was that their barely audible whispers were enough to wake up a sleeping lioness seventy kilometers away.
Hearing such whispers a girl sitting near me (others were dancing or drunk) got up and went away, and that was embarassing for me because I was only at a wrong place at a wrong time. I too had had enough and hence decided to leave, but alas, the way fate takes turns! I was walking back to my room when a friend, who hardly drinks came up to me in a sad state. The sadness was induced by alcohol, my presence must have done something to aggravate his sadness because on seeing me, he started weeping. Yet, when I thought that this was the worst it could get, fate took me to deeper waters. My friend thought that his weeping has made me suspect his masculinity and hence, as a proof, he delivered the ultimate punchline “do you think I am weeping so much because I am a girl (sobbing in between), no sir I am not (sob), should I show you my penis?”. That unsolicited offering did not stir me as much, as the fact that the same girl, who had left the dance floor, was standing within an earshot. Although it was night, but you could have seen me glowing red with embarrassment.
That was yesterday, when I was embarrassed, today when I look at things in retrospect – the mere mention of song is enough to bring a smile on my face. Hope that you enjoy too!

PS: events told are real, however, it did not happen to me but to my friend CD. I thought it was much better to relate it as if it happened to me than to write in third person.

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