Thursday, September 18, 2008

Why Google Chrome is embarrassing...

Here is a snapshot of my friend's screen (taken very secretly, I pressed the Print Screen when he was looking away). Needless to say, he won't use Google Chrome when his mother is around...

(click to enlarge)


Anonymous said...

1.your friend's habits are very similar to your habits.

2.there is something known as incognito mode in chrome. if you are in this mode,your web aiyaashi will not be stored in your web history.Just click on the drop down immediate right of address bar and you will see "open new incognito window".


Vinay Pandey said...

1. habits are similar, which is why we are staying together
2. incognito mode, nice idea - but you can't open incognito mode everytime, especially when you are used to pressing "ctrl+t"